Monday, August 18, 2014

More Visitors

More relatives came to see me and to play with me Sunday. Jennilyn and Chris came and they brought me a present! A squeaky cow I can play with. There sure are a lot of perks to being a puppy. You might have to hear the word " No ! " a lot but there are lots of great times too.

Me posing with my Squeaky Cow Jennilyn & Chris brought me.

I had another great visit Sunday afternoon. My brother Hank came to see me.

That's Hank on the left and me on the right
He is really big. I thought I was big at 9lb 4oz when I went to the vet but he was over 10 lbs when he went. We played in the yard for over 2 hours. Lots of tug-o-war games with my new rope and he is really strong, but I think I am faster.

We both got a great work out. After he left I went in the house and ate my supper and passed out on the floor for a long time.


  1. Cooper you and your Mom keep getting gifts and your poor daddy gets nothing. WHAT"S UP with that?

    1. Don't worry about him. He is the "Top Dog" around here and gets the best of everything. Read my post tomorrow on "Alpha Dogs" and you will understand. --- Coop

  2. Fun time this weekend. Bet you never dreamed how busy your life would be. You are a 've.ry social puppy Coop. Have fun ways.

  3. I am not sure what I dreamed. I usually forget them. They tell me I run and bark in my sleep. -- Coop

  4. Cool cow! I got my very own sock monkey yesterday! -DINGO

    1. Hey Dingo - Hank says "Hi". He found a good home too. -- Coop
