Tuesday, October 28, 2014

20 Facts About Me (Part 1)

My human sister Jannessa recently was challenged to give 20 facts about me. Here are the facts she gave. My comments are in blue.

  1. I was born on June 16, 2014.

    Same day Arthur Stanley Jefferson was born in 1890. (You might know him as Stan Laurel of the Laurel and Hardy comedy team. And Phil Mickelson (a famous golfer) was also born that day in 1970)
  2. I live with two cats, Simba and Camden.

    They are bad. They get on the furniture.
  3. I also live with my human parents and human sister.

    My sister hangs out with the big guy with the cool shades. He plays with me when he visits.
  4. My favorite person besides who I live with is my human grandma.

    She's wearing my owner's hiking hat. She is sooooo funny. 
  5. I’m named after Bradley Cooper. (I’m handsomer)

    I don't know who he is but he dresses nice.
  6. My favorite game is tug-of-war.

    I started when I was very young. Friends gave me this tug o war rope. I am quite good at it now. 
  7. I like long walks in the woods

    I even have my very own woods in my yard. Squirrels live up there.
  8. I love sitting in laps.

    Two of my favorite things. A grandma and a lap at the same time!
  9. I love car rides. (even more if I have a lap)

    Hey, Hey! Hey!! Three favorite things. A car ride, a lap, and my human sister.
  10. The only human foods that I dislike so far are pickles and cauliflower.

    I don't even bury that stuff! They might grow.

    I will post the other 10 facts she gave in a future post. Right now I have to go chase a squirrel out of the yard. They try to steal the sunflower seeds that are out for the birds. 

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