Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Emergency Vet Visit

Good News and Bad News

Jannessa says I look like Amelia Earhart

First the good news. Nothing is broken or torn. The bad news is I hurt and no running and hiking or playing rough for a week.

This morning there was a squirrel outside real close to the door. My job is to keep them out of the yard and away from the bird feeders. Well when I took off to chase it I made a sharp turn at the tree to the right and slipped on the ice. I yelped really loud and hobbled back to the house on three legs. It is good I am a dog. It is nice to have 3 other legs to use when one goes out on you.

My Doctor checking me out. She saw swelling in my patella (that's doctor talk for knee)
and gave me x-rays.
My human mom called my doctor, Cape Horn Veterinary Associates, and they got me an appointment really fast. I got a couple of x-rays and even had laser therapy. I am glad I didn't need acupuncture.

I think these shades look good on me. I will have to get a pair.

So for the next week I will take it easy and my humans will try not to use any words that get me hyper. They will be spelling out words like

Every time they use those words I get all excited.

Here is a video clip of some of my laser therapy. It didn't hurt at all. It took a few minutes and my leg was sore but it felt good. I hope to be good as new in a week and back on the hiking trail. Hope the cats enjoy their break.


  1. Get well soon Cooper - you don't want to still be injured when Dingo comes to stay with you!

  2. I will be fine by then. I am already doing really good. Still limping but getting back to normal.
