Dingo here again for PART 2. Day 2 of Cooper not blogging!
Catching some zzzzzz's. Dreaming about my sister. |
Saturday September 13th started early! It was still dark out when bags, cooler and
suitcase were being carried out to the car.
I knew something was up when the humans collapsed my crate and it got
put in the car. I must be pretty
important, because I needed two bags!
One for my bowls, food, leashes, treats and poop bags. The other bag was full of toys.
The set up in the car was pretty sweet! I had the middle of the back seat, customized
with what my humans referred to as “The Princess Pillow”. Since I was still recovering from my visit to
the hospital, and had to take Benadryl for 3 days, I wasn’t ready to move real
fast. The pillow really felt nice to lay
on for the trip – I did sleep a lot. I
was able to see my humans for the entire trip.
After what my humans referred to as the longest drive ever
(not because of me, because of traffic jams), we arrived in Avon, NC. When we got to the house, my new friends were
waiting to meet me. There was Don,
Lauren, Matt, Kristen and Taj. Taj is a
PitBull. Everyone seemed concerned about
me meeting Taj, so they kept us separated.
On Sunday my humans were talking about having lunch with Jeremiah
(Cooper’s human brother) and Ellen (Jer’s fiancĂ©) . I was really excited about meeting them. Even spent extra time cleaning myself up, if
you know what I mean. When it was time
to leave I got locked in my crate! For
some reason the restaurant doesn’t allow dogs.
I wanted to have my picture taken with Cooper’s human brother. This is the best I could do.
While my humans were having lunch with Jeremiah & Ellen,
my new friends Matt and Kristen broke me out of jail. I really like Matt and Kristen!! I got to go for a walk with them and
Taj. We walked on the beach and on the
boardwalk by the dunes. At that point I
just knew Taj was going to be my BFF.
She’s really cool, and compared to me, really big.
Man, was I wrong! Taj
wasn’t my BFF! She hated me! I think she was jealous of my youthful
beauty. From that point on we had to be
separated in the house by a fence that Matt and Kristen brought along. I fooled Taj.
Every time she came close to the fence, even when she was growling, I
tried to kiss her. Yes, she got Dingo
cooties!!! Take that Taj!
I got to see a sunrise at the beach. I also got to go to the beach. I didn’t like the waves coming at me, but I
liked digging in the sand. COOP, WAKE
UP: I gotta tell you, It’s really cool
at the beach. You can dig and you don’t
get yelled at! Just like with dirt, your nose gets cover with sand.
My new friend, Lauren, took me for walks. She let me chew on my leash while I was walking. My humans told her that I wasn’t supposed to
do that. Lauren said that she is like
the Grandmother that lets the kids do what they want, and my humans can deal
with it when we get home. I really like
One morning when my male human took me outside, we saw a
ghost crab. It wasn’t near the hole it
lived it, so I tried to herd it. They
are hard to herd because they move sideways and they also try to pinch your
nose if you get too close.
One of my favorite things was playing with my new friend
Don. I would sit on a foot rest and Don
would hold my rope in the air. I would
jump as high as I could and grab it. We
would do this for a long time. Over and
over and over again. I think Don is
probably glad that I didn’t have to go home with him. We both got tired playing. I really like Don!!
All good things must come to an end. We packed up and headed back home a week
after we got there. Vacations are a lot
of fun! So are all of my new friends!