was the best of times, it was the worst of times"...the best is living
here, but well, there are some fleas in the ointment. And Dawn won't work on
these! Dad and Mom had been pretty much "cat people" for most of
their married life. And the pragmatic reason is because you can go away for a
weekend and cats will do all right on their own, whereas we dogs need some
Snugs |
Two cats (Snugs and Bartlett) had allowed Mom and Dad to live with them
and kowtow to their every want (at least that's how I saw it) and then I came
into the mix. Bartlett hated my guts and swiped at me with his paw every chance
he got. He also stared me down and I am sorry to say, won every time. (can you
say intimidation?) But I figured since he was still very young he would smarten
up, which he has. We now nod good morning. I find and I am sure he does too,
that that is enough - we don't need
Bartlett |
to share feelings or whatever. The other
cat, Snugs, was a very elderly cat who wanted to be a little too friendly for
my taste. I like to have a respectful, nodding acquaintance but no lying side
by side just like we were best buds. But there was no harm in her and once in
awhile we would chat briefly. Mom would say I should be nicer to her, but where
I came from you just didn't mix that much. Of course Mom would always bring up
her beagle, Cotton, that came to the farm when just a pup and got along fine
with all the barn cats. But that's just not me, at least not yet. Anyway, Snugs
passed and while I felt bad for Mom and especially Dad, I figured that one cat
less was a very good thing. It never occurred to me that another cat would come
and live just so Bartlett wouldn't be lonely. (Boy, am I ever naïve sometimes)
So now I have Bartlett and Teddy to contend with. Teddy had obviously never
seen a dog before or maybe not a dog with more fur than he has and he would
come up close and stare...and win.
is it with cats and staring?! Anyway, he's okay except his feminine side takes
over once in a while and he wants to groom everybody, no matter what species,
even Mom and Dad. Bartlett puts up with it for a little and then he sits up
straighter and cuffs Teddy. Teddy tries again to lick but Bartlett growls and
then both start hissing and slapping until they both go to their separate
corners. Dad and I think it's pretty funny because they neither one have claws
and so the blows they land on each other are basically pretty harmless. However,
the worst part is when Teddy wants to try it on me. He looks at me from an inch
away and start licking my face or my ear. EWWW! I'm like "Mom, get this
thing away from me!" No, I don't bark although I guess a nice loud bark
might shock Teddy into normalcy. But I am a gentleman through and through. (Mom
says she's never seen a dog with more manners or a sweeter disposition) Dad
says I need to get me a pair. But a pair of what?? And what would they do? Hey.
Coop, do you know what he's talking about?
Teddy the new boy and Bart |
they eat some of my food and Theodore is a big beggar when Dad gets the jerky
out. I am, too, but then I figure it's MY JOB...not the silly cat's. I don't
know about all of you, but these two cats sleep a lot but then they get what I
call "the crazies" and they'll thunder-butt (yes, I coined that word
combo) through the house, up and down over the chairs, running like the Hound
of the Baskervilles is chasing them. Then they might deign to eat or drink a
little something and then curl up in a ball and sleep their lives away.
(Note from Cooper: To be continued on tomorrow's post Marmot Day )
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