Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Appreciating Meal Time

I get cheerios for a treat. But at meal time I get puppy chow. I like my puppy chow even better than cheerios.

My yummy supper

I always try to show my appreciation. My human college sister took a video of me when she fed me one night when my mom and guy owner were eating out. Papa Duke always told us pups to be grateful.

Did I look grateful to you? Papa Duke would be proud.

I managed to get a picture of what my mom was having this same night. Compare the two meals. I am beginning to suspect that puppy chow just might not be the top of the line meal they keep telling me it is.

Pork,  Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, biscuits, jelly, applesauce.
(See the Ketchup bottle? Ketchup on pork? Strange. At least it's Hunts.)
They even had pie for desert!

Homemade Shoo-Fly pie with whipped cream.  Uhmmmmmmmmmm.
I don't have a video of mom and my guy owner getting served. But if I did I am sure they would be jumping up and down over and over until the hosts told them to calm down and sit. With a meal like this they should have done back flips! Did ya mom?

What this world needs is more appreciation. I hope all my readers show their appreciation like I do. Do you? If not why not start at your next meal? If people look at you strange just say, " I wanna be like Coop."


  1. Morning Coop, Boy you got ripped off! That meal your humans had looked much better than cheerios and puppy chow. They even had ketchup, I love ketchup on pork. Not on hot dogs though I agree with dirty Harry "Nobody eats ketchup on hot dogs". Well enjoy your puppy chow and perhaps your humans will take you out to eat with them next time if you continue doing so well in your training. We enjoy reading your blog each day. Keep up the good work!

    1. My college sister dropped a pita chip on the floor the other day and was going to pick it up quick but my guy owner said... the good book says "even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table" (Matt 15;27).. "let him have it" (he reminds me a lot of my papa Duke). And mom gave me some chicken for treats the other day so things are looking up! -- Coop
