Saturday, August 23, 2014

Emergency Bath

Mom didn't take me for my walk on the leash this morning. So when she wasn't watching I decided to go for a morning roll. I found something really really really smelly out in the yard over toward the woods. It was great.

Mom didn't appreciate it as much as I did. I wanted her to roll in it too but she seemed grossed out and made me take an emergency bath. I am not sure what it was but my man human said whatever it was it made the turkey poop smell like roses.

Mom giving me a good scrubbing

I didn't really enjoy the bath much at all but it was over rather quickly. And getting dried off with a towel was quite fun. My college age girl owner is home so she helped. I was the center of attention.


Boy am I glad that bath is over with

After it was over she played with me and I got to sit in her lap for a long time. Laps are my favorite places to be. I like being the center of attention.

Hey, you can read my name tag! Now if she would just do my nails. 


  1. Awww. Cooper not a good way to stay in your humans good graces. You better do some real loving everybody up today. Especially your Momma.

    1. They are pushovers. Check out the photo I just posted on my facebook page. We are good to go! --- Coop

  2. Coop - RE: Rolling in smelly smelly stuff - AWESOME! -- DINGO

    1. You bet Dingo. Next time you come visit I'll show you where it is. -- Coop
